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Crisis Management – It’s Personal

Crisis management is one area of speciality for any business or organization, recently Jamie Dimon the CEO of JP Morgan Chase was able to avert a crisis of over $2billion dollars, am sure the shareholder would believe they are in safe hands, with shares in JP morgan falling they still hold credible stock exchange value.
How do you mange crisis with little risk, small business, large business, multinational coporations, your businesses or personal life can be over turn by crisis or damages. In games of chessboard the queen is the most valuable asset, protect the queen. When a crisis appears the first weapon is damage control, I mean disarm the enemy completely, leaving no stones unturned..
Every organization should have a department that manage crisis or people in case of a smaller organization, the keys to success in an event is having a good leader who can mange shift and changes that can affect the organization. Tesco international a firm in the supermarket and grocery store market faces similar threat with the horse DNA found in its beef on sale, the resultant effect was a withdrawal of all its beef line, but how does this affect its other daily trades, for now its withdrawal and public relations and social responsibility in assuring its customers will determine its revival in the industry.
Whats the latest rumour about your small business, who is making that call or chasing down your customers away, with the era of information, the news of your business could become viral, manage you people business, close families and friends, never allow them to sabotage your business, others include natural disasters, or man made disaster, technological crises. Making sure your business is managed in a crisis, that will determine how well your business or organization will survive a major event. Jamie Dimon CEO of JP Morgan Chase is a Textbook case read more about him and see how crisis management and leadership work hand in hand


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In the year 2024 some individuals will be air lifted to the planet MARS, imagine leaving the world you know behind, family, friends, colleague, never to return, YUP! NEVER to return, I remember recently watching the TV series The 100, envisioning almost the same scenario, like the human mind, the next thing is adaptation,  but as a business minded individual, I might use that opportunity to gather resources that’s mars would offer and become the next marlionaire before others arrive. So the next time the opportunity to sign up comes up make sure you’re part of the lineup. We might be the Mar-Lion-aires!!!!


downloadImagine a paradigm shift from the norm, everything you know eventually changes as a result of evolution, one way traffic to MARS from EARTH, “Yes it’s happening, and that’s the fear of unknown.

With technology everything seems to evolving, social networks are launching IPO’s, online shopping or niche or others. And along comes the Bit-coin, could it the breakthrough we’ve being waiting for or just another Hi-5, or a Buzz or something the Baby boomers can sustain.

They are rewards for work done on Data – Mining of financial books and records, although with every good idea comes the resultant effect, tax evasion, fraud, laundering by criminals also limit the sustenance of the virtual money.

“Satoshi Nakamoto 我々は最終フェーズ待ってい”

Customer Zero to Hero

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It’s pretty much easy to say our customers like us for what we SELL, selling the most preferred goods or the most common product of all, that might fulfill the basic psychological i.e. food etc. needs of the customer, but now boundaries have been pushed, and psychological needs like social acceptance as breed products such as Facebook, hi5, Myspace and the likes.

As an individual or company, or an Entrepreneur, what are the values you are leveraging in today’s multi- changing environment, he knows is Rights, he Knows what he wants, he knows what he needs, the innate ability to see into the future is vital.

So the next you’re creating that next advert or buying that next product of service, invite the savvy side of you and look out for these unique Ingredients and cook your on Martha Steward special.


In our everyday dealings we are always talking about needs and wants, what exactly are needs and want exactly are wants.
Scenario one: Chioma has about 2000, she wants to fuel her vehicle but she has also needs to use this same amount to pay for her laundry, we face this every day of lives, that intuitive need of living beings.

If she decides to buy fuel what happens to laundry, and can achieve balance if we can differentiate between wants and needs.
Needs would give you an immediate satisfaction of the NOW, and the wants will definitely show up, it is better and easier to plan ahead towards it, because it definitely will pop up again.
Say for example if you say you want a car, it means it not your immediate need, you might actually end up regretting why you purchased it NOW, PLAN towards your wants, SATISFY your needs now.

Want vs Need  %281%29

Ladies!!!! Need a Boyfriend? You can rent one in China now.

In this part of the world, we take issues like boyfriend, companionship, partnership, fiancee e.t.c as very important.

Now China has brought a new dimension for the ladies out there with RENT A BOYFRIEND, so the next time your friends or your parents pressure you for one you can have a boyfriend.

Renting one is very easy but very expensive,
Getting a boyfriend will cost you as much as $800, the packages are different, talk about branding for customer preferences, if you want a kiss, it will cost more or just holding hands, to going for dinners.

All you have to do has a lady, is to put up an advert about your preferences, then men matching your profile are cross matched with you.

This business sounds weird right, but its about how to innovate on existing things that gives an entrepreneur an edge, of course we have dating services, but this is different and new.
If you are wondering why the men don’t have one this services available, I guess you may or have heard of MAIL ORDER BRIDES common in the US but it has a lot of issues with trafficking, human rights violation, and illegal in some parts.

For the ladies nothing stops you from renting a boyfriend when the need comes as far as you are comfortable with the terms and condition of the contract.

Click on the link below to download the 2minutes Video – Enjoy

The Motorola Mobile Device: Quick Review on What happened and where it is Now

Most Nigerians seem to have used the Motorola, one time or the other, the popular flip phones, RAZR and its “Hello Moto” slogan was a device to be owned.
Motorola, Inc was an American multinational telecommunications company based in Schaumburg, Illinois. After having lost $4.3 billion from 2007 to 2009, the company was divided into two independent public companies, Motorola Mobility and Motorola Solutions.
Google Inc. saw this as an opportunity to acquire a Mobile phone company so that it could compete with its one of its biggest rival Apple inc. (iphone manufacturers) with the new Andriod 2.0 operating system so as to penetrate the smart phone market

The new andriod OS started with the Motorola Nexus, now google could compete on a fair ground with Apple Inc.

Google claimed that its 2012 sales of Andriod mobile devices surpassed those of iphone 4 and 5, so the next time you go shopping for an Andriod, a Motorola device would be a sure bet.

The Most important business Cue from this business is ACQUISITION, and in business you could decide to go forward by acquiring the distribution or forward to the raw materials.
Most forbes list businesses are a cluster of acquisitions and good management. Whether you have a small business or large business, determine if you like to expand your business, or decide to open another branch or shop outlet or better still create a new method or multiple streams of income on your existing business.

Facebook: How They Generate their Profit and their survival in the Tech Business

One of the top most visited site is facebook out passing the likes of Youtube, Bing by Microsoft, Google and Yahoo search engines which are its biggest market competitors, any one or almost any one has watched the movie ‘Social network’, from its mini start up to having a world Wide Network, what makes a company lead the forbes list, it could be strategy , finance or otherwise but facebook is trying to tell us they have come to stay.
Mid-month last year Facebook announced its first ever IPO (initial Public Offer) address for shares into the company, This served as a game changer for Facebook, but subscribers to the shares are more worried about their money and how Facebook intends to bring returns to their pocket.
Every entrepreneur must have a business model that talks about revenue or profit, maybe you are planning your new website and you are telling yourself, how do these websites make money especially facebook that seem to be a success.
The idea of facebook started with low investment, reaching a wider network means being able to convince investors that your business model will bring results but at a risk.
Facebook launched along side Meebo, and Hi5 but now surpasses them by far, investors really feared for their money but facebook has began to generate results through ADVERTISING, this is their major revenue source, which companies, people and organisation make use of, because of this big competition Microsoft decided to buy a 1.5percent stake in facebook costing the company billions of dollars, but it was worth the price. Facebook makes its overall profit which has increased by 150percent through advertising, so Venture Capitalist are reaping the fruits of their investment.
Facebook holds a host of data that companies want to harness or use but facebook is keeping it to itself and this time around early January facebook official launched its own intra search engine, maybe this would put a smile on the shareholders because people are not really buying the idea and we all know how social network could be a fad, its all about sustainability in the long run, can facebook stand the test of time or find other ways to increase its lifecycle or just the play cat and mouse game. Before you jump to open that website of yours have a business model that will keep you in sustainability or you are just going to be another dragon waiting for a risk taker to invest in. Its really all about finding your niche and knowing where to lay your head. So the next time you get on facebook, with those side bar advert or pop up windows think about how these people might be using your data, and you can also use other peoples data to create a niche for yourself

For more question comment or contact me on


What is branding to the layman, it’s what we see on the store shelves our everyday supermarkets and market places, ever wondered why you could tell the difference Pepsi and Coca-Cola that is called branding at its highest. Some have argued that you can brand both individual and business, some say it’s only one that matters, like they say still waters run deep. Branding is a whole lot of perception in it itself it goes through a lot of process in business lifecycle; it can make or mar a business.
Branding could involve a name, a tagline, an advert copy, a song, a color or symbol some sort of distinguishing difference between similar products. Lets come down to the level of automobiles , let compare the jaguar and the Ferrari, similar products in the same industry performing almost the same functions but the major difference is the distinguishing factor the horse and the jaguar, that’s a typical example of what one can do to a product or service.
The fast moving economy and the recession hit has made the market competitive for both small, medium and large businesses, it is an opportunity for business to expand by tapping into the source of branding, once your business is fully established and organized, one must make sure professional business advice is seeked from knowledge able persons, let this individuals tell you what to do, there is nowhere in the world that says a tomato seller cannot brand her products, the times have changed and consumer preferences have changed, most times with the introduction of technology it makes it easier for customers to decide before buying, why not be in your customers mind, let your clients or your customers empathize with your products, sell more than a product sell a personality.

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